How to get better results with your Tax Accountant?
I have had the distinct pleasure of working with some fabulous professionals and professional business owners in the last 6 years since I commenced offering accounting and tax services to the public. Recently I thought of those tax clients I had better results with.
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How to streamline your accounting processes effectively in 5 steps
The system has failed because it is ineffective, inefficient and in essence they don't have a system. It benefits your business to take the time to create one that is simple and easy for staff to follow. Building a solid process is similar to building a house - the most important step is the foundation or the framework it sits upon will crumble to the ground.
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10 things an accountant can do for you
If you're wondering why you may need an accountant, it can help to be aware of the support they can offer you. This article investigates ten things an accountant can do for you - to save you time and money!
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Paying Off CRA Debt
If you already have a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), and you have room left to just pay CRA, write them a cheque and it’s all taken care of. You then just need to focus on reducing the balance on your HELOC.
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